
You can find latest data, research and statistics about private equity and veture capital in Europe in this section. Data is compiled by Invest Europe and all Venture capital and private equity associations from the EU member states. SLOVCA is part of Invest Europe association representing the private equity and venture capital sector in Slovakia.

CMS European MA Study 2023

We would like to present you a study from the workshop of our member CMS, which captures Deal activity across Europe. Deals ma...

Transaction value analysis 2012-2021

We would like to present to you Invest Europe's transaction value analysis capturing Venture Capital and Private Equity invest...

European wemen in VC

In cooperation with European women in VC and other partners, we have prepared a Europe-wide report on the risk capital ecosyst...

Transaction value analysis

Invest Europe, in cooperation with SLOVCA and other organizations, created an analysis of the value of transactions from 2011-...