
Private Equity and Venture Capital news both from Slovakia and from Europe. Information about the latest konferences about PE/VC in Europe and Slovakia.  

CMS "Restructuring Wednesdays"

A seminar series on the key legal aspects of restructuring CMS is pleased to introduce a series of three breakfast seminars: “...

CEE Private Equity Activity in 2018

Download detailed statistics at the end of this article. Private equity and venture capital fundraising for Central and Eas...

0100 Conferences Bratislava '19

Join us at the 3 rd edition of Venture Capital & Private Equity Conference, 19 June 2019 in the Nedbalka Gallery. You...

HVCA Investment Conference 2019

  INVITATION HVCA INVESTMENT CONFERENCE 2019 Date: June 5 2019, Wednesday 9.00-17.00 Venue: New York Palace Bu...

0100 Conferences Vienna

0100 Conference Vienna | Thursday, 14th March 2019 Join us at 0100 Conference Vienna to explore and expand your busines...

0100 Conferences Prague

Be sure to book your seat on 23 rd November 2018 and network with top European investors (GPs and LPs) in Grandior Hotel Prag...