Virtual PE & VC Conference – CEE Region
Publikované: , PodujatiaDovoľujeme si Vás pozvať na Virtual PE & VC Conference - CEE Region, organizované našimi partnermi 0100 Conferences.
Online konferencia sa bude konať 25.6.2020, zúčastí sa jej viac ako 300 investorov. Hlavným zameraním konferencie bude diskutovať o dopadoch Covid-19 na podnikanie a ako sa pripraviť na private equity trh po tejto kríze.
Všetky informácie nájdete nižšie:
Main goal of Virtual PE & VC Conference – CEE Region is to help attendees to navigate the business through the COVID-19 situation and help them to get prepared for the post crisis PE market.
It is a unique chance in these unprecedented times to meet with the audience of senior level General Partners from renowned private equity & venture capital funds, Limited Partners, including pension funds, funds of funds, family offices, high-net-worth individuals, business angels, insurance companies, as well as leading service providers, and other industry professionals who are looking at CEE countries.
During multiple panel discussions and keynote presentations, the world class speakers will share on & off stage their experience and insights. Topics of panel discussions are:
* Fundraising & change of LP-GP Dynamics
* Implications of COVID 19 on VC investing in the region
* How to achieve Operational Excellence in PE firm during the pandemic?
* Fundraising & Deal Sourcing
* Challenges of portfolio companies during the Covid-19 outbreak
* ESG in the CEE Region
Just to mention some of the speakers we have confirmed:
Tim Draper, Founder @ Draper Associates (Tim is one of the most prominent VCs in the world - Stanford University (BA) Harvard Business School (MBA), Net worth - Estimated US$1 billion)
Dan Lupu, Partner @ Earlybird
Marcin Hejka, General Partner @ OTB Ventures
Tomasz Czechowicz, Managing Partner @ MCI
Michal Rybovič, Partner @ Sandberg Capital
Emilia Mamajova Founding Partner @ ESPIRA Investments
Przemyslaw Raczka, Investment Director @ Resource Partners
Pekka Mäki, Managing Partner @ 3TS Capital Partners
Martin Konop, Investment Manager @ Rockaway Capital
Vytautas Plunksnis, Head of Private Equity @ INVL Asset Management
Martin Chocholacek, Vice President @ Enterprise Investors
Elemér Eszter, Managing Partner @ Impact Ventures
Wojciech Jezierski, Partner @ ABRIS Capital Partners
Rokas Peciulaitis, Managing Partner @ Contrarian Ventures
Daniel Tomov, Founding Partner @ Eleven Ventures
and many more.
What can you expect from a virtual conference?
For better understanding, you can read the following blog -