Private Equity Breakfast 2017 (eng)
Publikované: , PodujatiaPrivate Equity Breakfast je každoročné podujatie organizované Pedersen & Partners v spolupráci s CMS za účelom prepájania investorov a ostatných profesionálov z odvetvia Private Equity.
The Private Equity Breakfast is an annual event that is sponsored and hosted through the joint cooperation of Pedersen & Partners and CMS. The purpose of this event is to bring together investment professionals to discuss and share experiences and comments regarding the current industry climate and future developments.
After the regime changes had taken place across Central and Eastern Europe the region quickly generated interest amongst private equity funds. Since then they have benefitted from the opportunities presented by the region and have contributed to the development of the investment climate as we know it today. On Thursday 8 June, a panel of experienced private equity professionals will discuss the development of the sector over the past 25 years, evaluate current opportunities and look ahead to what we can expect in the years to come.
- David Butts (CMS)
- Poul Pedersen (Pedersen & Partners)
Panel speakers:
- Viktoria Habanova (Mid Europa Partners)
- Markus Kriegler (Erste Bank)
- Jan Tauber (Genesis Capital)
- Christian Mandl (Neulogy Ventures)
- Martin Chocholacek (Enterprise Investors)
- Mathieu Lief (Infracapital) Ana Radnev (CMS)
Registration : 8:30 - 9:00
Panel discussion: 9:00 - 11:00
Please contact the event administrator Silvia Jasurkova (+421 911 541 694) until the 30th of may for registration. The event is free of charge.